So many books have gone out of print. How can you expect to bring them all back into print?
We don’t. We recognize that the vast majority of books that have fallen out of print did so for very good reasons and do not merit our attention. We focus on a small number that have something to offer us still today.
A book I love has gone out of print. Do you take suggestions?
We do. You can reach out to us through our contact page with any suggestions you may have. It’s important to let us know as much as you can about the book, including why you think it merits our attention. Please also remember that a focus bringing works by authors from under-represented communities is an important part of our mission, so be sure to include that information.
Do you charge any fees for your work?
No. We are an all volunteer nonprofit. To avoid any potential conflicts of interest, we charge no fees or commissions of any kind, nor do we accept contributions or any other from of financial support from any author, rights holder, agent, publisher or any other person involved in the publishing industry.
This sounds like a great mission. Is there anything I can do to help?
You can volunteer! We particularly need people who have experience in publishing, with wills and estates, or in genealogical research—but anyone can help. And most of our work can be done from home. Please reach out to us through our contacts page.